Cam Chavez Reed
Tectonic geomorphologist and geoscience education researcher
Who am I?
I am a Ph.D. student at The University of New Mexico studying the science of landscapes! My primary interests are in tectonic geomorphology, human landscapes, and sense-of-place.
I also serve as course instructor for Geology, Society, and Justice in the EPS department at UNM, grad student representative on the department DEI committee, and am a fellow of the UNM MRT program. See my profile there!
I have a BS in Geoscience and BA in Sustainability from Arizona State University where I researched topics ranging from geoscience education, the HUD rental assistance demonstration (RAD), and solar programs in the US. While at ASU, I worked with Dr. Steve Semeken and Dr. Jennifer Richter on developing an approach to synthesize environmental justice, geoscience, and place-centered padagogy into a novel geoscience class now taught at UNM.